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Old 31st December 2005, 02:24 PM
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John T John T is offline
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Default Re: A kit similar to the original WAD 300B Stereo PP?

Hi Dr John,

I’m sure, like you, when I started on this hobby the “danger” of the high voltages we were using never really occurred to us. ‘Scopes and attempts at TV’s from converted war surplus radar sets using EHT’s of 1,500+ volts never phased us. My “standard” power supply was sans mains transformer – straight off the mains into a selenium rectifier and a couple of capacitors and a dropping resistor! It was obviously lethal but I took care and I never heard of anyone blowing himself up! Surely, when you cross the road, you make sure nothing’s coming before doing so?

Or is it an indication of today's society? - I can appreciate Companies having to cover themselves against the "litigation lot" but surely the current generation can still be credited with a modicum of common sense!


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