Gaskets need checking too
Just thought I´d start a new thread to celebrate the summer and we´re all guilty insofar as we never give gaskets a moment´s thought just as I discovered was the case with my aperiodic foam. But sealed boxes, as is the case of WD25T, are different..........
When I built my boxes I just grabbed a self adhesive window seal tape and used that to make a gasket. Now I admit that over the past year or so I have extracted my woofers quite a few times for various crackpot reasons (to check the aperiodic foam, drill extra holes in my main brace because I suspected it was too close to the driver cone, then rethink the stuffing material I had used originally inside my boxes and later refill the extra holes previously drilled out because, although detail was improved I think it was at the expense of balance between bass and mids. Whatever......
Finally I bought a 2mm thick sheet of EWA rubber from a crafts shop to cut out some gaskets because although seemingly airtight I noticed that, after so much activity, the fleecy material on one side of the tape had become de-fuzzed. Dead easy to use the driver basket as an external template and then the circumference of the box hole itself for the internal circumference.
Yes, sorry to inform you that my efforts have been rewarded by tighter sound all round so get your fingers out. Gaskets do matter.......