Do you have any assembly tips?
Yes! If in doubt ask!
Don't be embarrassed to call for help.
Do not rush, it is very tempting to work for many hours at a time in an effort to complete the kit quickly but rushing leads to mistakes which will cause frustration in the long term.
Identify all parts of the kit before you start, check everything is there and contact WAD if anything is missing, once you are comfortable with all the parts of the kit start the construction following the order as laid out in the supplied instructions.
Work for short periods of time if this is your first amplifier, say 1-2 hours, it is very easy to tire and loose concentration. That way you should keep any mistakes to a minimum. Build the kit as standard, it is important to get the kit up and running, to ensure correct operation and reliability before you embark on the trail of expensive component upgrades and tweaks!
Start population the PCB or tag boards by installing the small wire links first then move on to the small resistors and capacitors, large resistors and capacitors and finally the very large power supply and smoothing capacitors.
Keep the soldering iron tip clean, wipe it on a wet sponge before and after you solder a joint, that way all the soldered connections should be clean and strong provided you have been practicing your soldering technique!